Transparency International

What is the Transparency International Initiative?

Name, registered office, address and year of foundation

Together For Ghana e.V.
Dreimühlenstrasse 7
80469 Munich. Germany

Together For Ghana e.V. is a not-for-profit charity organization registered in the Munich Register of Associations.
Register of associations number: VR 208798
Registry court: Munich Local Court

Foundation: January 2018
Inclusion in the register of associations Charlottenburg: July 2018
Acquisition of non-profit status: July 2019
Change of registered office to Munich: October 2020

Complete statutes as well as information about the organizational goals

Our current statutes
Our projects and initiatives

Information on tax benefits

The organization is registered at the tax office Munich, under the tax number 143/222/92873.

The company is exempt from corporate income tax and trade tax on the basis of the annex to the corporate income tax assessment for 2019 to 2021 of the Munich tax office, dated 31.1.2023 – except for the taxable economic business operations.

The company promotes public health care, youth welfare, development cooperation within the meaning of § 52 para 2. sentence 1 No. 3, 4 and 15 AO and is entitled to issue donation receipts.

Annex to the notice of exemption dated 31.01.2023 (in preperation)

Name, function and contact of key decision-makers

Vincent Czenskowski 
Function: Dental Director

Alexander Jäck
Function: Medical Director

Arndt Fuchs
Function: Treasurer

Information about our other members can be found under Team or on page 7-8 in our annual report 2018/19 (tba)

Activity report

Can be found on page 2-4 in our annual report 2018/19

Staff structure

Together For Ghana e.V. consists of 15 volunteer members of the association. Since the foundation, no members have received benefits from donations. More information about our staff structure can be found on page 7-8 in our Annual Report 2018/19.

Information on the source of funds

Can be found on page 5-7 in our 2018/19 annual report.

Information on the use of funds

Can be found on page 5-7 in our Annual Report 2018/19

Legal relationship with third parties

Since the foundation of Together For Ghana e.V., there is no legal affiliation with third parties.

Names of individuals whose annual payments represent more than 10% of the total annual budget.

For data protection reasons, we cannot publish the names of natural persons. Instead, we have provided the number of anonymous donors with annual figures exceeding 10% of the total annual budget and their annual payments for the respective fiscal years 2018 and 2019. We have not received any payments from legal entities since inception.

In fiscal year 2018 (4 donors).

  • 192 euros
  • 288 euros
  • 289 euros
  • 240 euros

In fiscal year 2019 (4 donors)

  • 400 Euro
  • 412 Euro
  • 194 Euro
  • 243 Euro