Skip to content§1 Name and Seat
- the association has the name “Together For Ghana”.
- it shall be entered in the register of associations and then bear the suffix “e.V.”.
- it has its seat in Berlin
§2 Purpose of the Association
- the purpose of the association is to promote
- public health and public health care.
- child and youth welfare.
- development cooperation.
- the statutory purposes shall be achieved by the following measures:
- donations are collected to provide financial and technical support for the hospital and ambulance service in the city of Donkorkrom (Ghana).
- donations will be collected to complete the guest house of the orphanage of Donkorkrom (Ghana). This is to generate independent income for the orphanage in the spirit of sustainability. During the completion and beyond, additional donations are to be collected in order to support the equipment of the orphanage with pedagogical and technical means.
- placement of educated persons as well as students and pupils from engineering, natural and life sciences as well as health, pedagogy and construction in the city of Donkorkrom (Ghana). Volunteers will be given the opportunity to participate in the projects of child and youth welfare, construction projects and internships in health and education in the city of Donkorkrom, thus actively contributing to development cooperation and knowledge transfer.
- to cooperate and support with associations and organizations with the same or similar goals at home and abroad.
§3 Non-profit status
- the association pursues exclusively and directly non-profit purposes in the sense of the section “tax-privileged purposes” of the tax code.
- the association is selflessly active. It does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes.
- the funds of the association may only be used for the statutory purposes. Members shall not receive any benefits from the Association’s funds.
- no person may be favoured by expenditures, which are foreign to the purpose of the association, or by disproportionately high remunerations.
§4 Membership
- any natural or legal person who supports the purpose of the association and agrees to these statutes may become a member of the association.
- membership is established by joining the association. The board decides on the written application for membership. An appeal may be lodged within one month against the written decision of the board to refuse membership, and the general meeting shall decide on this appeal.
- the members undertake to actively support the purpose of the association by developing the activities available in their respective area and corresponding to the purpose of the association and to give impulses for new activities.
- the membership ends by resignation, death or exclusion.
- resignation from the association is possible at any time at the end of the current year by written declaration to the board.
- exclusion can be pronounced if the member grossly violates the statutes, the purpose of the statutes or the interests of the association. The general meeting decides on the exclusion with a simple majority of votes.
- the resigned or excluded member has no claim on the association’s assets.
§5 Contributions, assets of the association
- monetary contributions shall be levied as regular annual contributions.
- the amount and due date of the contributions shall be decided by the general meeting.
- the association can acquire property within the scope of its purpose, however, the members are not entitled to any shares of the association’s assets.
- if a member is more than 2 months in arrears with the payment of dues, his membership ends automatically.
§6 Organs of the Association
- the organs of the association are the general meeting and the board.
§7 General Meeting
- the general meeting is the highest organ of the association.
- an ordinary general meeting takes place at least once a year. The convocation of the meeting must designate the items of the resolution (agenda). The meeting shall be convened in writing to the address last communicated. If an e-mail address of the member has been communicated, the invitation of this member can also be sent to the last e-mail address communicated, unless the member has determined otherwise in writing to the association. The period shall commence on the day following the dispatch of the letter of invitation. The invitation letter shall be deemed to have been received by the members if it was addressed to the last address known to the Association.
- the general meeting is responsible for:
- the approval of the annual financial statements for the previous fiscal year submitted by the Board of Directors;
- the approval of the budget submitted by the Board for the coming fiscal year;
- the election of the members of the Board of Directors and their dismissal;
- the discharge of the board of directors and the managing directors;
- the amount of the membership fees;
- the acceptance of the annual report of the board with special consideration of the activities of working groups, project groups and initiatives;
- the passing of resolutions on amendments to the statutes and on the dissolution of the association;
- other matters of particular importance to the Association.
- the executive committee is obliged to call an extraordinary general meeting immediately if at least one third of the members demand this in writing, stating the purpose and the reasons.
- representatives of working groups, project groups and initiatives may attend the general meeting at the request of the members and be asked to report on their experiences and to comment on further proposals of the general meeting.
- if a member is more than 2 months in arrears with the payment of contributions, his membership ends automatically.
- a duly convened general meeting has a quorum regardless of the number of members present.
- the meeting is led, as far as nothing different is decided, by a member of the executive committee or a deputy.
- decisions on the deselection of the board, on the amendment of the statutes including the amendment of the purpose of the association and on the dissolution of the association, which have not already been sent to the members with the invitation to the general meeting, can only be made at the next general meeting.
- resolutions and elections shall be open. Block elections are permissible. The general meeting may decide on deviating procedures.
- each member has one vote. In the case of votes, the simple majority of votes of the members present shall be decisive, unless otherwise stipulated. Members who abstain from voting are treated as not present. In the event of a tie, a motion shall be deemed rejected.
- the removal of the executive committee and changes to the statutes can only be decided with a two-thirds majority of those present. In these cases, too, members who abstain from voting shall be treated as non-attendants.
- minutes shall be taken of the resolutions of the general meeting. The minutes shall contain the place, date, agenda and the result of the votes/elections and shall be signed by the chairman of the meeting.
§8 Board of Directors
- the 1st chairperson and the deputy chairperson form the executive committee according to § 26 BGB and represent the association judicially and extrajudicially alone.
- The board is elected by the general meeting for a period of two years. Re-election of the board is permissible. The board remains in office until a new board is elected.
- the statutes may be supplemented by rules of procedure. The provisions of the rules of procedure may not conflict with the Articles of Association. The rules of procedure shall be adopted by the general meeting by a simple majority of votes.
- meetings of the board are called by the 1st chairperson. The meetings are not public.
- the executive committee exercises its activities on an honorary basis. Activities in the service of the association can be remunerated within the framework of § 3 No. 26a of the Income Tax Act (honorary flat rate).
- The Executive Board is responsible for managing the day-to-day business of the Association. In particular, it has the following tasks:
- the admission of new members;
- the preparation of a budget and annual financial statements, which must be approved by the general meeting of members;
- the supervision of the execution of the resolutions of the general meeting;
- the personnel management;
- the renting of business premises.
- the board makes its decisions by simple majority of votes. In the event of a tie, the Rental Members’ Meeting shall decide. Board resolutions are to be recorded in writing and signed by the secretary of the board meeting.
§9 Dissolution of the Association
- the dissolution of the association can be decided only on a meeting of the members called up particularly for this purpose with a three-quarters majority of the present members of the association.
- in case of dissolution of the Association or in case of discontinuation of tax-privileged purposes, the assets of the Association shall be transferred to a possible tax-privileged successor organization or to the non-profit corporation “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Immunologie e.V. (DGfI), Berlin”. The decision on this is made by the Executive Board after obtaining the consent of the responsible tax office.